Category Archives: Nordic Discovery



Primarily marked on the 25th of December to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas is a time of year celebrated by billions of people around the world. The festival is accompanied by several traditions that, unbeknownst to many, have pagan origins. Long before Christianity had come to the Nordic regions, the pagan Vikings and other ancient Germanic peoples […]

Discover how to make Viking metal crafts

Discover how to make Viking metal crafts

The skills of the Vikings in addition to fighting can also include the creation of daily metal utensils for personal purposes. Vikings are often associated with boat scenes and fiery battles. But new research published in the journal Archaeological Science and Anthropology shows that Vikings also had other skills. In the process of casting metal objects […]

Stories that annoy readers because of the violence and bloodshed in Norse mythology

Stories that annoy readers because of the violence and bloodshed in Norse mythology

Most of these stories really test the endurance of lovers of Norse mythology The stories in Norse mythology are more or less violent, cruel and sometimes extremely bloody. This is no longer too difficult to understand, because it partly reflects the life and society of the Vikings. Loki is chained to a rock with his son’s […]

How was the deceitful god Loki punished after killing the Norse god of light Balder?

Stories that annoy readers because of the violence and bloodshed in Norse mythology

Loki was tied to a stone with his son’s lap, and day by day he was tormented to pay the price for his sins. In Norse mythology, Loki is perhaps the most controversial god when he plays tricks on the gods and helps them in many difficult problems. Thanks to being adopted by the god Odin […]

The fate of the children of Loki in Norse mythology

The fate of the children of Loki in Norse mythology

In Norse mythology, Loki is a unique and confusing character who both helps and destroys the gods. The Ragnarok War also originated with Loki and his children. Myth says Loki had 7 children with two wives and a stallion. In it, two normal children are only mentioned after the event Loki harmed Balder god, they are directly […]

A centuries-old mystery: Does this elusive Viking city exist?

A centuries-old mystery Does this elusive Viking city exist

After the local government decided to build an observation tower atop a sand hill on Wolin, an island in the Baltic Sea, a Polish archaeologist was called in to inspect the site before construction. Build and search for buried artifacts from the place’s macabre past. Hangmen’s Hill, a public park, was once a place of […]

Viking boat hewn in volcano to repel the apocalypse

Viking boat hewn in volcano to repel the apocalypse

ICELAND The stone boat containing many animal bones was probably created by the Vikings to prevent the apocalyptic event of Ragnarok in Norse mythology. Archaeologists discovered the remains of rare artifacts from the Middle East in a cave in Iceland. This cave is located in a volcano that erupted nearly 1,100 years ago. At the time of that […]

The Vikings explored the Americas nearly 500 years before Columbus

The Vikings explored the Americas nearly 500 years before Columbus

Many believe that Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover the Americas , but new research shows that the Vikings arrived here nearly 500 years before Columbus. Scientists have long known that the Vikings built a settlement called L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland , Canada, which has been discovered by archaeologists since the 1960s. However, the exact timing is still difficult to determine, and […]

Coming to Northern Europe, you must definitely visit the unique houses of the Vikings

Viking architecture brings unique features of medieval Scandinavian culture.

Houseboats Houseboats are usually built over water with foundations dug deep into the ground. It was used to anchor Viking boats during times when the ships were not in use, especially in winter. Since Viking boats are often nearly 25m long, these houses are very long. The foundation is piled up with stone, and the walls are made […]