Author Archives: Thor Odin Son

Scandinavia Before The Vikings: Get The Facts

Scandinavia Before The Vikings: Get The Facts

The Viking era may be the most well-known period of Scandinavian history because so many people are interested in the Norse raiders from Northern Europe. But where did the Vikings come from? Were they the first inhabitants of northern Europe? What was Scandinavia like before the Vikings? There were people in Scandinavia long before the […]

A History Of The Vikings: Get The Facts

Viking Sons Of Odin

The Vikings were Norse people who have a rich and fascinating history. With roots primarily in southern Scandinavia, they raided some countries, and traded with others, in order to build wealth and extend their influence. In the year 789 A.D., the Vikings launched their first raids on England. Similar violent attacks continued intermittently through the […]

Vikings – Muspelheim realm of fire

Vikings - Muspelheim realm of fire

The more people learn about Norse mythology, the more interesting the stories become. The mythology itself has a wide variety of worlds, realms, characters, and iconic creatures and beings. Throughout the ages, every civilization had their strong beliefs placed into the creatures of the night and beings of light. Therefore, all the stories were equally […]